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APIs are ready-made sets of code building blocks that allow a developer to implement programs that would otherwise be hard or impossible to implement. This JavaScript Tutorial helps you learn the JavaScript programming language from scratch quickly and effectively. JavaScript is a powerful and flexible programming language. It can execute on a web browser that allows us to make interactive webpages such as popup menus, animations, form validation, etc. In this module we will explore what APIs are, and how to use some of the most common APIs you’ll come across often in your development work.

With a loop we can automate and repeat a block of code however many times we want it to run, even indefinitely. You can use the following operators to compare two numbers, or two strings. After assignment and math operators, the third set of operators I JavaScript Lessons want to introduce is conditional operators. We can classify operators based on the operands they work with. Once you assign a value with some type to a variable, you can later reassign the variable to host a value of any other type without any issues.


Though similar in name, the two are very different programming languages. Here we are selecting a button (line 1), then attaching an event listener to it (line 3) so that when the button is clicked, the updateName() code block (lines 5–8) is run. The updateName() code block (these types of reusable code blocks are called «functions») asks the user for a new name, and then inserts that name into the button text to update the display. In the final article of this module, we’ll look at arrays — a neat way of storing a list of data items under a single variable name. Here we look at why this is useful, then explore how to create an array, retrieve, add, and remove items stored in an array, and more besides. Learn Javascript is suitable for beginner developers who have basic experience in any programming language.

  • Objects use keys to name values, much like how is done with variables.
  • An excellent resource for aspiring web developers — Learn JavaScript in an interactive environment, with short lessons and interactive tests, guided by automated assessment.
  • There are some fundamental differences which I detail in this post but if you’re just starting out, you might not care about them.
  • EdX offers a bunch of free courses, including JavaScript courses that were made by different universities, like Harvard and other prestigious schools.
  • As you can see, when we have multiple properties, we separate each property with a comma.

To read unlimited articles, you’ll need to get a $5/mo plan. But there are many writers who publish the articles with no paywall. Web Design Weekly, as the name suggests, is a weekly newsletter for Developers and Designers.


JavaScript also lets you add dynamic features to web sites that you can’t just achieve with HTML and CSS. When you exit the loop, i will be a valid variable with value 10. Resolving a promise means to complete it successfully (which results in calling the then() method in whatever uses it). We first call the function, then we have a then() method that is called when the function ends.

It is the third layer of the layer cake of standard web technologies, two of which (HTML and CSS) we have covered in much more detail in other parts of the Learning Area. Next, we’ll turn our attention to strings — this is what pieces of text are called in programming. In this article, we’ll look at all the common things that you really ought to know about strings when learning JavaScript, such as creating strings, escaping quotes in strings, and joining them together.

For complete beginners

It offers a wide variety of courses taught by many different instructors. Instead of watching endless videos and wondering how to translate those videos into proper code, you’ll be practicing what you learn through interactive, test-based exercises. A block is a set of instructions grouped into a pair of curly braces, like the ones we can find inside an if statement, a for loop, or a function. A variable defined as var inside a function is only visible inside that function, similar to a function’s arguments.

JavaScript Lessons

The first is a function we call to resolve the promise, the second a function we call to reject the promise. Now, to be able to use this syntax, the doSomething() function implementation must be a little bit special. The function containing the console.log(‘inside the function’) line will be executed after 2 seconds. However, there are times when you cannot just wait for a line of code to execute. This means that a line of code is executed, then the next one is executed, and so on. In this chapter we’ll go up one level by introducing classes.